Monday, April 26, 2010


While finding and gathering information from different data bases, we have the option of using diverse methods that contain good and reliable information. The different methods include literature reading such as newspaper, magazine, journals, books, websites and reports. The other technique that can be used for instance a survey, observation or interview. Booth survey and interview involve us to present a sheet of main questions.

I'm preparation question for my interview. In this interview I'm planning to ask my teacher from COL-260 the (environmental science) class. I believe that I will be able to find significant information that will be useful for my research.
I might do a survey, I will be targeting the UAE students her in the university and see their level of awareness to the global issues that we live in. the survey will mainly be multiple choice questions.

The interview questions:-
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?
• What's your name?
• Where are you from?
• What do you do/ what is your job?
• How long have you been teaching?
• What do you mostly enjoy doing?
2. Defined environmental problems?
3. Can we include air pollution & claimant change as human made problems?
4. Tell us about the recent event that can be related to claimant change?
5. Has the UAE been affected by the claimant change or the air pollution?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010