Wednesday, May 26, 2010

* Introduction *

The topic that I choose to discuss as a main topic is environmental problems such as global warming & air pollution. Biosphere is one of the environment layers where all the living and non-living interact, as long as it helps them to produce and reproduce. Biosphere is one of the important layers on the Earth surface. The ecosystem includes biotic and a-biotic organisms, as humans we are classified as biotic.

The season behind selecting this topic is because many of the environmental issues have become a problem to the globe. In fact most of the differences within the changes in the past and now are that it happens much faster. Therefore, the people all around the world should take an interested on the environment.
The research paper will present these environmental problems in more details. At the beginning I will present a definition of booth Air pollution and Global warming. Then I'll include some of the causes and effects relevant to this problem. Finally I will acknowledge the readers with some important facts. Furthermore the research will offer some possible solutions.

For all of polar bears love or any animal lover, come and join me throw some surprising out finding and learn more of what will happen for you or your animals in the near future.


  1. good introduction but i did not see or understand your opinion on the topic......
    however, good luck and
    i hope you liked my my comment

  2. Very interesting topic. i think most of the env. problems are made by human.
