Saturday, March 20, 2010

Primary data plans

The first thing I had to do is understand the col-240 and what we were required to do, after that I choice a topic for my research. It's about the (Environmental Problems) especially (Global Warming and Air Pollution). These topics interest me because it relates to all human in all over the world since we share the same concern. Then I started my research based on the topics I choice earlier, using the Academic Research Library as a reliable resources for my research paper as a first step.

The second thing that I might consider doing is a survey. In the survey I might ask (10 to 50) people to do the survey. I might also ask the students at ZU University as locals and relate this information to the UAE somehow. The survey will definitely include question about (Environmental Problems), and try to observe the students awareness of the dramatic problem. The survey will help me to understand more about the problem.

The third thing that I will do is interviewing my teacher. She teaches Environmental sciences, I believe she has a lot of information without doubt will help me with my research.

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