Monday, March 15, 2010


1. Environment and Pollution; Study data from University of Aberdeen update knowledge of environment and pollution. (2010, March). Ecology, Environment & Conservation Business,142. Retrieved March 14, 2010, from Academic Research Library. (Document ID: 1979503061).

2. NASA; New NASA Web Page Sheds Light on Science of a Warming World. (2010, March). Defense & Aerospace Week,47. Retrieved March 14, 2010, from Academic Research Library. (Document ID: 1974986821).

3. Environment and Change; Research from Vrije University Amsterdam provide new insights into environment and change. (2010, March). Global Warming Focus,47. Retrieved March 14, 2010, from Academic Research Library. (Document ID: 1974906771).

4. Environment and Change; New environment and change research has been reported by scientists at Chinese Academy of Science. (2010, March). Global Warming Focus,38. Retrieved March 14, 2010, from Academic Research Library. (Document ID: 1974906711).

Book Refernce

Lerner,S.(1997).Eco-Pioneers Practical Visioaries Solving Today's Environmental Problems. London, England: Cambridge, Massachusetts. Retrieved MONTH DAY, YEAR, from (Proquest database).(Document ID:).

The resources that I found are useful to be used as a reference for my research I believe. I found this article after searching the Academic Research Library for reliable resources for my paper.
These articles are useful in my opinion because it included the information that I need. It was also prepared by Ecology, Environment & Conservation Business editors from staff and other reports.

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